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澳大利亚医学博士Steven.Woo(吴才华),运用中国的针刀疗法,治疗疑难病症,疗效显著。下面是吴博士发来的病例和照片:病例一:脑瘫后遗症患者站起来加拿大籍华裔Mr. Alfred Wong 现年26岁,因先天性脑缺氧,部份脑细胞受损,导致双下肢瘫痪,肌肉挛缩,无力站立,寸步难行,至今已有15年的轮椅生涯。今年4月吴博士为其施行针刀松解术后,患者已即能站立、行走。患者治疗前后照片对比:
病人家属真情来电:Dear Dr.Woo I know your time is very treasure,but I do have to sent you this thank you note.I know all this happened is God grace and he show the miracle to all of us.Before we came to Hong Kong, we been prayed for months and months, and now we're here, back in Chilliwack,all the church's brothers and sisters are continue pray for us. Our Lord lisiten the prayer, and he did sent you to show us this miracle.Dear brother in Christ, thanks again, I can see the love form Christ through you.This love is above anything. Please keep this work and the miracle.You take care and see you soon.I have the faith, God always with you and bless you the best. In ChristDabby病例二:面瘫即时恢复由内分泌专科医院特约会诊病人,附带病人的化验报告与病历,因高血糖和高血压困扰导至“口眼歪斜” 5个多月,一直都在服用药物和每天注射胰岛素,只有微少改观,情况欠佳。予针刀松解后口眼歪斜即时缓解。照片对照 其他面瘫恢复照片:

版权所有:北京汉章针刀医学研究院培训学校  京ICP备19014186号
咨询电话:400-6666-810 / 010-80725466 /80725478 / 52573160     传真:010-64124241  Email:790855106@qq.com
地址:北京针刀总医院内(昌平区天通苑西三区26号楼16门) 邮编:102218